
me talking about me (and other things)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Started to work again this morning... the alarm clock went of at seven o'clock, so, life has started once again.
At school: As there is a teacher´s strike, all the teachers who come near our 7 children in the special class, are 27 and they arrived at school this morning. The atmosphere was rather resentfull. Even the school cook arrived to cook for them. Strange for the teachers, but the children at least were happy and the two big boys loved it to be rid of all the noisy classmates and getting special attention. I could, but will not, comment this. I do my job as long as the kids are happy. Came home and fell into bed, slept safe and sound for three hours (my oh my).
This strike has been going on for 31 days now and no end is in sight. Strange!!!
Must go and finish reading the Da Vinci Code. Reminds me of the Gabriel Knight computer game(a private investigator solving cases).
You, whoever you are, think this story is based on historical facts? Would be nice. Claudia, I hope, you did find me. Let me know and get your own blog:))


At 10:17 PM, Blogger Minka said...

Yes you really should finish that book, ´cause I´d like to read it if you do not mind! I bet you loved going back to school, you like to give those kids the best tutoring possible. I am sure they are very glad to have you back!

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Biene said...

Mamma says:
Thank you for your trust, dearest

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are the teachers still on strike???


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