What is it, all these jokes about women and shopping? I HATE going shopping, it is work. Have six kids and all those that are attached to them and go shopping. It is exhausting. And then it is said we should go and exercise our body. Men, do you know the power it takes to push a brimfull cart around crowded corners? I mean, who would be going shopping if we poor women would not do it? Men??
And buying clothes .. ok, maybe if you are young and slim. The other day I saw this wonderfull, lacy undergarment in the shop window. Against better knowledge I went ohh and went inside to try it on. Never, never again. Life is learnig. Of course they didn´t have it in my size, but I tried on what they offered me.. Never before had I realized I was THAT fat (a nice number 18.) Had I not been a grown up I would have started crying. Let my children laugh about my big pink unders, I feel comfortable in them and they on me.
Of course even I need new clothes from time to time. But as seldom as possible. You are in this hot, tiny, claustrophobic cell; where do I put my bag, my scarf and my wintercoat and then I fall down, trying to get into too slim trousers .. oh, no. And shoes? I rarely buy shoes. I got two pairs of sandals, Ecco, one brown and one black and home knitted woolen socks. My daughters have given up making fun of me. I got one pair of black shoes when it must be. And, when the snow really gets high I change into sweet little boots. And that´s it. Yes, really, just look at me, walking down the street. The sandals however are a little bit nasty at work in recess, they got those little stones there on the ground which love to steal themselves between shoes and feet, so I stand there, prodding stones out of my sandals when I should be playing with children...
Enough now, off to the countryside..
Hey ... you did not go to the countryside!!!
And for clothes is horror. I hate it especially in winter. Living in Iceland you learn to dress well so that the nordic wind a) doesn´t blow you away and b) freezes you to death. However when you get into a store you start immediately sweating, so trying on new clothes is not the nicest idea. And then you have to pulll down layers and layers of clothing just to get to your bare essentials when you realize you´ve picked the wrong size adn have to go out and get the right one. However, shopping for decorations, gifts, cards, books, make up...fine by me!!!
Jaaaa, du sprichst mir aus der Seele! Wenn ich neue Sommergarderobe kaufen muss, beschränkt sich das meist auf 2-3 T-Shirts, der Rest geht ja noch vom letzten Jahr! Letzten Winter brauchte ich dann dringend eine neue Winterjacke, die Jahre (und es waren viele...) davor bin ich pro Saison immer in maximal zwei Geschäfte, um nach einer neuen Ausschau zu halten. Die hatten dann natürlich nix Schönes und Passendes und meine Gedanken waren immer: "Ach, ein Jahr geht die noch!" Letztes Jahr war sie dann so abgespielt, dass ich sie nach dem Erwerb einer neuen (!!!) an der nächsten Ecke einem Obdachlosen geschenkt habe.
Nur wenn ich meinen Gatten bei den seltenen Shoppingtouren dabei habe, dauert es etwas länger. Er kann an keinem Wühltisch mit Remittenden vorbei gehen, ohne nicht jedes Buch in Händen gehalten zu haben. Mittlerweile quillt aus jeder Pore unserer Wohnung Bücher - preisreduzierte, welche zu normalem Preis und natürlich die über e-bay ersteigerten. Einen Teil meiner Bücher habe ich vor Kurzem im Kleiderschrank zwischengeparkt. Da war noch Platz (s.o.)
Kuss von Kerstin
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