I just did realize that I didn’t express myself in the right way the other day. I should not have said: What should I do, but: What should I do first. First, this little word makes a whole lot of difference, without it it looks like I had nothing to do and was wondering what to do with my time. No, the meaning was just the opposite: There are so many things I would like to do that I don’t really know where to start. And all these things are of equal importance to me and have to be fit into a defenite timespan. So, I have to decide what is the most important thing to do at what time. For example sewing my needlepoint is best done in the daytime, as dusting or cleaning the floor because of the light (or vice verca- the no light.) Knitting and reading on the other hand can wait for the lamps, knitting preferably while watching TV. Shopping I have to do while the shops are open, depending on what it is I have to buy, those are different times again. Going shopping I have also to consider the different density of the traffic at different times of the day as well as the places where I want to go to so as not to drive back and forth but in a neat circle. Besides this I also have to consider my working time at those days I am working. At those times the question arrives if I go home first or go directly after work to where I want to go.
Then, of course, still more important things do happen and then I am ready to throw all my plans overboard. For today I had planned to finish to go through my clothes and put them back into my wardrobe in the now beautifull room with a new and shiny floor. Then I was going to go through my kitchen. But, delightfully, Jakobina arrived from the countryside at noontime and three sweet grandchildren ran to hug grandma. And so I followed them for their bright company through IKEA and diverse shops and had a great day.
As it is,I sleep in our guestroom, waiting for my new bed to arrive on monday. Now I know why my guests leave my nice guestroom bed after a few nights. But that’s ok too, who wants guests all the time? (No, no DO come, I’ll fix the bed!)
Och, ich fand dein Gästebett gemütlich!
Danke, anonymus, aber ab jetzt wird es weicher! Also, komm trotzdem!
I would just like to point out that one of those grandchildren was with me the entire time. And I would like to pride myself in entertaining him well. WE went to feed the poultry :) at the pond down-town, had a little and I might add very healthy snack and took the bus home. Now this little guy I am referring to, loves to ride the bus and always mentions it to me when he comes for a visit. The only problem is, he falls almost immediately asleep once the bus gets into gear. Last time I held him in my arms while he slept. Now, you must know taht the Icelandic bus drivers-just like the regular car drivers- motion the busses through the traffic like there is no tomorrow. Around one particular corner I fell out of my seat with the sleeping child on top of me. Teenagers helped me and the little guy...but there was no question from the driver if I was alright or anything. Thought I´d mention.
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