
me talking about me (and other things)

Saturday, January 15, 2005

a lot of nonsense

Yesterday I bought a really beautifull little tablerunner for my dinnertable. I put it there and I am sure it is handmade, though it doesn´t say so. It was really cheap, I would have no more than 10 minutes to work for the money it cost me. Made in China. What does give us, the humans in the western world, the right to exploit the eastern world on a grand scale as it does? The women, and I am sure they are women, can only get pences for many hours of work. When I get something for nearly nothing, somebody must have been cheated on the way.

The 20th of January the day will be one hour longer than the shortest day of the year and the sun is already smiling into our kitchen window at high noon. From now on the days will get longer quite quickly, the reason of this is the tilt of the earth of 23,5 degrees towards the sun. Look at for better information than I can give down below. On the way I got the speed at which we are thrown around in the universe: 29,8 km/sec around the sun. So, no reason to be proud of your fast cars! One more point I find interesting: We are furthest from the sun in summer in the northern hemispere and nearest to the sun in winter as the earth doesn´t make a perfect circle around the sun. And, did you, here on the upper side of the globe, ever realize that the noon sun shines from the north when you are in Australia?

Hmm, where did my link go? Sorry, maybe it comes later.


At 2:04 PM, Blogger Minka said...

No, I did not know that. But that might explain why my eyes always act up in winter, never in summer. My eyes are fairly sensitive to light and if we are closer to the sun in winter, plus the brightness of the snow, well no wonder I look like an albino!


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