Again and again the question arises at our home and in my head: Why do I blog? Some people have the opinion that they would not like to talk about themselves for everybody to read. I don´t see a problem there. I know some people who read my block: Friends around the world, so I don´t have to write to them individually but about privat things, family members here and abroad who like to know how we spend our days. And last, not least, I blog just because of the fun of it. Chatting away about things I do, matters I think about.
And on the way I also regognize new things about myself. Never would I have thought that I was as much a housewife as I am. But I seem to be, cleaning, stacking things away, ironing. I also shop a lot more than I thought I did. This later point I don´t like at all and will do something about it. As for now I go once again through my cupboards etc. and try to throw away everything I don´t want. I was going to write “need”, but that would not be the truth, I don’t “need” most of the things I own. But still I like them. But old bedcloths I keep to make someday a patchwork blanket? No, I think I will put them away. Etc., Etc.
I know, it gets boring to read how I clean. But it was so much fun! Margret came and sat on a kitchen chair, had coffee and chatted away. Meanwhile I emptied cupboards and asked her if she would like this and that and those bowls and she said yes to most of it and the rest I threw away or packed for the red cross. Oh, you should see my kitchen now! A place to breath. And (don’t tell anybody!) new dishes and cups and bowls … it looks so nice. And my wardrobe has become so organized – like in an advertisement, I could get a chair and sit down in front of it and admire my handiwork, but I don’t.
Furthermore I finally finished the babyjacket with gloves and little shoes and a cap and even threw it through the washingmachine so tommorrow it will be dry and ready to give. And you know, today the reciever was born, a fat little boy seven days too late.
I will let you rest now and keep on sewing my new lacy curtains tommorrow.
You see, the days are brighter longer, so little by little I get my energie going again. I will not say it again, I promise! (that the sun is higher up)
How organised you are! Fancy coming to organise my packing? Switzerland is really rather nice this time of year!
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