
me talking about me (and other things)

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Sunday evening

Back from the country. It was quite exhausing and exciting. 6 Children playing in the livingroom, cooking, cleaning... So I got home to town to rest awhile.
As you can see, I have gotten a guestbook now. Please, place your pin! I also got a straight connection to Monika and Lisi. I am sorry to say, Lisi has been quite lazy, so I try to put some pressure on her.
The next step will be to open my photoalbums for you. I got me a digital camera and am absolut crazy taking pictures now. So, look forward!
Also it should be easier for you now to write a comment. Just try once again, please.
The teachers strike is at its end, for the time being. We did not get what we wanted, so this is probably not the end of it. We did use the lonely days in our special class quite nicely by getting a young one used to the schoolbuilding.

Friday, October 29, 2004


I added "autism" in my interests, I am a mother of a sixteen year old boy with autism and work as a special teacher in a special class for children with autism, 6 - 16 years old. So, my offer, if you have problems, questions, I will try to answer them as well as I can and have time. Just write in comments.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


I don´t really have much to say. The question of the day is therefore: Do I write in the blog if I don´t have anything to say, or do I not write in the blog if I don´t have anything to say. If I do write, friends will maybe say, what a stupis woman. If I do NOT write, however, friends will start asking, why is she not writing? Has she stopped writing in the blogger page? Will she ever be going to write again? I look at her page day after day and nothing new? Maybe she is sick? Did she have a car accident, I heard it is cold in Iceland and the streets are icy. Maybe her smoking got her to hospital, finally? Maybe one of her children is sick and she is sick of worry?
Friends, I can assure you, I and my family, we are healthy and happy. You will hear from me again soon and I will let you know if it should happen that I close this page. For today however, I have nothing to say. Sorry.

Monday, October 25, 2004

small informatin on Icelandic food.

Came out to the country at 5 o´clock in the evening and wasn´t yet out of my blaser, had a knife in the hand and was cutting up dead sheep. My daughter, Jakobina, had just gotten them from the next farmer, about five kilometers away. First thing we did was "svíðasulta" a first timer for us.
1. Rezept:
As many sheepheads as you´ve got, the are usually cut in half. (We got only 3 now.) Boil them in a big pot við seasalt, peppercorn, loorbeer. When they are sweet and soft, about 1 and half hour, you take them out to cool and keep the water. Plock off everything that is eatable; tounge, gum, meat, meat back in the eyes, behind the ears. Put the bones again into the pot and let them boil some more. In the meantime, cut the meat into rather small pieces. Put in the bottom of a whatever, we used a baking form, about 1 cm of the water you cooked all this in. Let that cool. Add the meatpieces. Fill upp with bonewater(sieve). Put a plastbag over everything and something heavy. (We used jam glasses.) Put in the fridge over night. Take it out of the form, cut it in slices with a sharp knife and eat on bread. Some people put mustard on it too. Also possible to eat with hot potatoes and butter.
Next time we will use 6 heads to fill that cake form.
But stop, don´t throw the bones away yet! The children wait for the half yaws. Give them a good brushing (the yaws, not the children, ahh, maybe them too), let them dry and give them to the kids. However you hold them they can be your cow (with all the teeth as an udder), if you turn them around it will look like a horse, you can use the front teeth for digging and of course the modern version: you can use it as a gun.
And then, what´s left, the dogs will be happy to eat.

Kjötkæfa , something like sausage filling.
Cook the leftovermeat from working the scheep in a pot. Importend to use the meat from the underbelly. Lots of seasalt, lorbeer, peppercorn, fresh green things if you have them, rosemarine, onions, 1kg we used on this. Cook till the meat is soft and nice, quite awhile. (we had one 20 liter and one 10 liter pot.)
Let cool, so you can pluck the fat, bones, and fibers away. Keep the water, take the fat, keep.
Put the nice meat into a mixer, wetten with the water, mix in fat so it keeps together. The more fat , the harder it gets. So, what do you like? we made a soft one with little fresh onion, french krydd: Rosmarin, estragon, basilikum.
The next one was with much onion, curry and rosmarín.
the last one everything + peppercorn.
A good, cheap, healthy bred spred for grown up and children. Freeze what you dont eat.

That´s what we do in the country when it is cold outside...
Nothing about the chicken, my beloved rooster has dissappeared..taken a walk and never came home again. But I got a picture of him.
That was the first part of my weekend. More an iceland specailities later.
Visit it next summer and have a taste. we are pobably going to open a "rent a horse" and get "icelandic food and art " and "look at our beautifull colourfull ckicken".

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Drove to work this morning at 8 and was at home again half past 9, sick. Somebody said I was looking green and the shock of turning into "Hulk" had me in bed as soon as I came home. But now in the evening I am still myself and the colour is pinky again, so the danger is hopefully over. Because of feeling so sick I only managed to bake two cakes and one bred and had a very simple dinner. (I took some antibiotica too, so it is not only my inborn strength that keeps me on my feet.)
The latest news on the strike: The next meeting will be after 2 weeks, so ...?
On Fridays I never work, so I will get my little son from school at noon and drive out to the country, maybe the girly party will take place after all. On sunday evening I will inform you of the status of our chicken, yes there ARE real chicken, but that story will be told later. So everybody: have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Started to work again this morning... the alarm clock went of at seven o'clock, so, life has started once again.
At school: As there is a teacher´s strike, all the teachers who come near our 7 children in the special class, are 27 and they arrived at school this morning. The atmosphere was rather resentfull. Even the school cook arrived to cook for them. Strange for the teachers, but the children at least were happy and the two big boys loved it to be rid of all the noisy classmates and getting special attention. I could, but will not, comment this. I do my job as long as the kids are happy. Came home and fell into bed, slept safe and sound for three hours (my oh my).
This strike has been going on for 31 days now and no end is in sight. Strange!!!
Must go and finish reading the Da Vinci Code. Reminds me of the Gabriel Knight computer game(a private investigator solving cases).
You, whoever you are, think this story is based on historical facts? Would be nice. Claudia, I hope, you did find me. Let me know and get your own blog:))

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Books I am reading now
"Middlesex" by Jeffrey Egenedis (Picadur,2003)and the by now probably well known "Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown -- Coincidently, now I got one book about a hermaphrodite und another book about Mona Lisa.
(New learning: Amon, the Egyptian god of masculine fertility is a guy with a rams head - from there Dan Brown maintains comes the slang "to get horny" - mmmm, I imagined quite another horn.)
"Middlesex": prose becoming poetry, a facinating piece of art, Page 109-111.
Enough for today, have a good nights sleep or a good angels day, in whatever timezone you are.

still learning

Monika is great with this blogging thing and I knew iT!! So, now my post will hopefully not dissapear again. Monika, however, dissappeaered, will check on her Computer (doesn´t he have a name? her newest lover) and when she will say she is okay I will be satisfied. Babysteps. As you know, Monika is my sixth daughter, the star which fell from heaven und stuck in Iceland..yeah, ice is sticky!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Chicken Stories

Thank you, commenters! Nobody seems to like ironing and I didn´t get around to it either. Instead I went to the dentist and had one sweet little tooth removed. Good thing about that: My weight went down for approximately 1 gramm and after some terrible hours even the pain disappeared- bad thing: I have to spent money to buy a new one.
Last night there was quite a bad storm outside and two trees tried - luckily -unsuccessfully- to climb into my bedroom window. Now there is some part of some house lying in our garden, hopefully not from our house.
The Icelandic teacher strike is over for me tomorrow. As I teach in a special class I got a call at five o´clock in the afternoon to meet for work at 8:10 tommorrow morning. Everything fine with that, it is only that I was sitting with my one little bag packed, waiting for my daughter to whisp me off to the countryside for two nights. She came 5 minutes later. So bye bye countryside, hello special children! (Looking foreward to meet them and my fellow workers.) Why the countryside? My other daughter lives there, she´s gota new kitchen and we were going to have a 2 day girly party putting her stuff into the new cupboards. Now I am going to miss all the fun :(
So, my last post dissapeared. Probably I did something wrong. Be patient, friends, even I am going to learn this.