You probably know this feeling: You go to sleep Sunday evening and wake up Saturday morning and you don´t know where the week has gone. It has evapourated and the only thing you know is: you are one week nearer to death and the next month´s salary - I don´t get a check, they put it straight into my account,
My week was not like that. Monday seems eons away, looking back from Saturday morning. Still I know what I did do on Monday: I went to work at nine o´clock, was there until half past one, went shopping for dinner and visited in hospital. Probably I went early to bed, usually half past ten, eleven and than I read some.
Now: "The wind-up bird chronicle" by Haruki Murakari. A book I like and will buy more of the same author if I find some. On this blog side, I intended to give you a clear, witty and comprehensive critic on the books I read, but now I have difficulties with that. What is the taste of people? What is the essence of a "good" book? Many books regarded as "good" I feel like terribly boring, beside the point of my life and sometimes quite impossible to understand. I suspect, that it is just this incomprehensibility that makes the critics go "ahh" and "ohhh" because few people will admit that they don´t "get it".
But, as I am at it, a few words about the books I did already mention: "The da Vinci Code": An exciting thriller with the now so fashionable strong female character, interesting, but not mind boggling probable possibilities about the origins of the christian church and an end that is questionable but interesting.
"Middlesex" is a very clever book with bewitching prosa, sweet, full of humour, tragic and many facetts of human life. Parts of it may be a little longdrawn, but you get carried away and learn something new.
Try also to read “the bride stripped bare” by anonymous (Nikki Gemmel) if you want some sensuous female sexuality. A daring book with unsuspected twists.
But back to my week. On Tuesday I went after work and bought me a new fridge with a freezer. Not because my old one was not working any more, no, just because I longed to have a new one, clean and shiny. So I just went and bought it. Such a new luxus for me, having been a housewife without own money for so many years, to go into the next shop, to say, "Oh yes, I would like that one" and pay in cash. The new fridge also looks nice in my kitchen. And it is so much smaller than the old one, with light that is working, so now things will hopefully not get lost and smelly!
The only problem: The old, ugly, dirty and smelly one still stands in the middle of the living room as nobody has yet visited us who is strong enough to carry it down the stairs.
Wednesday was the day I put washing into the machine. In half a year from three machines a day down to twice a week. Did somebody say I didn´t have a sweet life? Empty nest syndrome MUST be a syndrome men invented, what else could a woman want to be than a mother? O, dear men, many, many things!
On Thursday I was exhausted, all that washing! As I am not the happy owner of a dryer, I had to hang all these wet pieces on a laundry line after work, fell for half an hour into bed... yes, work was crazy too, no lunchtime even. Then I drove my car to a garage where it got a new exhaust. That are the costs of countryside trips. My husband was so sweet to drive me to my painting class where I finished, yes, believe it, three pictures I had been working on for some time. See the first one on my photo page when it gets there. Not willing to be bothered with cooking I bought a ready to eat fried chicken and some potatoesalat.
On Friday, my dear friends, I made extrawork and extra money, came home half past two and slept through till five o´clock. The weather is sleepy, too. Not cold, not warm, grey, rainy without rain, chilly wind, in short, uncomfortable. I admire the people jogging up and down our street. No, I don´t. I shake my head: Nurds, put up the footrest in my easy-chair and keep on watching "whatever" on TV.
Marinó comes home for dinner. We are told, he has been sick in the stomach. Maybe that´s why he is so hungry: Dinner: meatballs in sweet sour souce with rice, bred and cheese, flatkökur and butter, cake, more bred and cheese, sweet cake, in the end we drove him home. But in between he was sweet and hugging and watching TV.
Saturday morning, 10 o´clock: My husband has cleaned the kitchen and coffee is waiting for me. He is buisy cleaning his room (it was in great need). What a nice way to wake up! After a sweet hot bath with foam and nice smells I start cleaning too, the living room, dust from the shelves, dirt from the floor, olive oil on the dinnertable, I like it nice, spik and clean but unfortunately it doesn´t keep. Usually I don´t clean more than a corner at a time, but today I am in the mood for it. So I take the stairs too, the hall, my bedroom, the kitchen, my study, start sorting papers, pens, drawers...yes, the garden is left.
I will dare to plan my day tommorow, an extraordinary luxus. I will forget the ironing - still waiting from the week before - I will take another bath but not shampoo my hair this time, I will relax in bed and read, I will bake a wonderfull cake (and eat it), I will visit one or two friends. I am so excited if I will be able to do this!